1. KTXK as a Public Radio entity, will continue to provide a wide range of music forms, plus a wide range of news and political views from the area, the region, the nation, and from around the world. It further continues to be the purpose of this station to be an outlet for which to educate the public on issues that are pertinent to the wide broadcast area that we serve. I believe this under belief statement #2 and it is measurable by looking at the quarterly issues and programs report sent to the FCC which list all stories aired in the quarter. Secondly, it is possible to measure success using Arbitron numbers, keeping in mind that these numbers can be varying moving targets from book to book.


2. KTXK will also continue to provide a wide range of Fine Arts Programming to the area; this will include those performances of college personnel and those of the area, including the Texarkana Symphony for example. I believe this is under belief statement 2 and is measurable by the number of broadcasts that are aired on the station.


3. KTXK will continues to offer more than 40 hours a week in the form of long form and short form news and public affairs programming. These programs address a wide range of political views, and cover both national and international stories free from editorial interference. I believe this is under belief statement 2 and is again measurable by the quarterly issues and programs document referenced in Item #1


4. KTXK will also continue its highlighting of programs and stories which occur on campus that can affect the entire community we serve. This would include stories concerning educational opportunities on the Texarkana College campus, its personnel and fine arts presentations that highlight the school as a whole. I believe this is under belief statement 2 it is measurable by the logs of stories that fit into this category. Again this item will show up in the quarterly issues and programs report.


5. KTXK will raise sufficient funds needed to keep its programming operational in its present form. These funds are necessary to continue our mission to the community and steps continue to be taken to insure that these funds are available through underwriting from local business, membership dollars, and grants for specific programs run on the station. I believe this is under belief statement 5 and is measurable by the monies that can be raised from its various sources including underwriting (est. 100,000), membership pledges (est. 25,000), CPB grants (98,000), other grant opportunities, (est. 15,000) and funding sources. These monies should be sufficient enough to show that KTXK operates within the monies raised.


Steve Mitchell
KTXK General Manager
2500 North Robison Road
Texarkana, Texas 75599
Cell: (903)748-4541